Did you know the dentist you would see in our office also specializes in Sleep Apnea?
Sleep Apnea doesn’t only disturb your sleep but it also disturbs your daily activities, your confidence, as well as your mood. Fixing the way you sleep can make you feel more efficient and ready for the day! Working with a sleep specialist can help you feel ready for that job interview you’ve been stressing about, ready for that big date, as well as walking with your head held high with extra confidence and energy!
Did you know the reasons behind braces?
“I just want to fix my smile” That’s great! But making your teeth straight doesn’t only just make you smile more. Having a straighter smile can help reduce cavities between teeth. This happens because when teeth overlap it is trickier to floss in between the teeth, without flossing your teeth’ food will start to decay on the tooth which results in cavities. So not only will your smile be better than ever, but your hygiene will improve immensely!
“It’s just a teeth cleaning it’s not that important“
Dental is much more important than you might expect. If you brush and floss twice a day, and visit your primary dentist every 6 months you can avoid many dental issues. Dental issues can end up causing problems to the blood stream!